Sunday, May 22, 2011

“The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach” -He

I miss the beach.

This past weekend was one of my bff's bachelorette party. Instead of doing the whole clubbing, wasted thing the night before we decided to go to the beach for a weekend. Fantastic idea. We rented a house and drove down saturday and chilled and played games, walked the beach, ran our mouths, spotlighted crabs, and got drenched in the rain. Then Saturday we got up and started a glee marathon, then walked to the shore to slum it at the beach. It was great just chillin with our butts in the sand and being tossed around in the freezing cold ocean. Then finishing our glee marathon and eating pizza and talking and laughing and just being together. We missed the Ashley's of course but other than their absence it was a perfect weekend. (side note, I went to the beach and did not come back as a lobster - this was a first!)

I'm sad that this was it. That was our last horrah before we are officially grown. Steph will be married in 2 freakin weeks!!!! Rosita will be in DC, 3 freakin hours away!!! and we'll all start going our own ways. I know high school I was overly optimistic about keeping in touch with friend, now I feel overly pessimistic. I can see everybody drifting apart and just sticking to phone calls on our birthdays. Even though I know this isn't really gonna happen I can see it happening so that makes me paranoid.

However as endings go, this is a very fantastic series finale. We have the graduation, the vacation, and the wedding - all we need is a baby and we have our selves a hit drama. However I'm quite sure this is one of those shows that say it's ending but the ratings are so awesome they have to make at least one more season - so really this is just a seasons finale disguised as a series finale - looks like I still have some hope left after all. Which is good because I suck at goodbyes.

Monday, May 16, 2011

come what May ......14th

Yeah, I suck as this updating blog thing. But seeing as there is only one reader I’m not to worried about it =) Love you Jess.

So I’ve graduated. I don’t think I feel the same way as most graduates, finishing a semester early I’ve already experiences that intense relief. The amazingness of being home has worn off and I’m mostly recovered from that last rigorous semester. I’ve already said goodbye to exams, papers, textbooks, working at Merks, and all the things graduates wanna leave. I’ve all ready experienced real life and it sucks, this was mostly sad. I’ve spent so many lovely weekends at Longwood this past year and now it’s all over. My friends will never be gathered together in a tight community like college throws you into. We’ll be hours away and I don’t like it. Yup, I’m just sad. I wont ever experience anything like Longwood again, and I feel like I slept through it … well more like worked through it (I didn’t get much sleep =P). I’m pretty bummed.

But I’m excited for what comes next. These last adventures have been amazing and it can only get better … right?? I mean I’m not naive, I know their will still be stress and anxiety and pain and tears, but there will always be friends there to cheer you up, to laugh with you, to cry with you, to cook up some new scheme with. I know it’s impossible to keep in touch with all of the people I currently call friends, but some are impossible to get rid of. Either way I’ll always call them friends and they are forever ingrained in my memories of Longwood. I don’t know what’s up ahead but I can’t wait to find out.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last walk of Longwood

Late again. I think I’ve learned this annoying habit from my mom, one that has to be broken soon. So instead of leisurely walking to Willet I quickly threw on my attire and rushed across the grounds of Hogwarts, I truly felt like I was in a magical world with my robe flying open and excitement of a new adventure just beginning. My favorite part of the entire experience was praying with a best friend, Ashley. As like-minded graduates rushed by, we stepped aside to talk to God, to thank Him for getting us to this day. We stood by the prominent clock on Brock Commons and talked to the creator of the universe about our fears, excitement, and trusting that He has it under control, He already knows our life story and it ends happily, now that’s magical. Anxiously, we strutted into the gym, found our place amongst the black blurs of tangled emotions, and waited for the procession to begin. The crowd of graduates started to line up and stride off the bleachers. The methodical stomps hung through the air like an army of soldiers decked out in red were marching towards the front line. Only we were dressed in black and happily marching towards a future filled with hope and optimism. We twisted together in a zigzag line of look-a-likes preparing to take the much-anticipated walk. Then we strutted down a sidewalk we have walked many times before only instead of walking towards class, or lunch, or the library, we walked into a crowd of adoring fans each searching for their loved one. Like so many before us we marched for the last time as undergraduates towards an unknown future. We listened to speeches that reminded us why we loved Longwood, why we were sad to walk away, why we were happy to be going, we looked back on fond memories and were told to never forget – but who could? Then the time came. We stood and waited for our names to ring across the lawn, for our friends and family to scream in adoration as we screamed for our fellow classmates that ran across the stage. Finally, it was our turn. We lined up beside the stage getting closer and closer for that moment when the name caller said our name wrong but still we proudly stepped up with a smile on our face and took the fake me out diploma that signaled the end. We smiled at our professors knowing that we passed their rigorous tests and knew that we earned this sucker. We texted our friends confirming that we did it and it was time to wrap this mess up for we were starving. We stood and marched into the arms of those we loved and happily smiled for the photos, all the time wondering ok now what?