I guess a nostalgic 2011 and a hopeful 2012 post is required. I loved 2011, 2010 was good but very stressful. 2011 was just plain awesome. I have so many memories and so many firsts that will forever be locked in 2011 … except my memory is whack and I’ll probably forget all the ones that I don’t have photos to remember by. I probably won’t remember the tons of hotels I stayed in. I won’t remember the tons of stores I worked in, or the schools for that matter. I doubt the exhausting pet smarts will stay and the week working in NYC. A dust cloud will settle over the sleepless visits to Longwood and the trips to visit with sisters and nieces and nephews. A fog will capture the hot summer with an overheating neon and endless nights talking to friends. Stephs wedding will become a blur and what happened at the beach house will wash away with the waves. Graduation is a distant achievement and the hours logged as a camfel tech will blend. 2011 will be remembered as one of the best years of my life and the excruciating days will fade to nonexistence. This past year will be one I will forever relive… “remember that one time we…” “when I lived in Cali for a season…” “when I worked in NYC for that week…” “while I was working for camfel…” “during my LU graduation…” “At Steph’s wedding…” “remember that time I came and visited you…” “Hey! I’ve been there!”
As for the expectations of 2012. I’m too realistic to make resolutions because I don’t keep them – like my first semester Camfel goals – yup not any tanner (who didn’t see that coming) - I haven’t written more – and failed at learning the guitar (not my fault I tried but didn’t have a teacher and no internet) – my British accent was a bust – I’m continually learning more about Jesus so that one was a success. :D
But I still have high hopes for 2012. I don’t know what to expect, there’s a lot of unknown that’s hidden in this new year, I guess that’s true for anybody right? I’m excited to see what adventure God has planned next. For now I’m content knowing there will be new memories, more laughter, strangers becoming friends, lots of love, and joy in every situation.
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