1. learn to play guitar
2. write like crazy
3. work on my tan
4. learn more about Jesus
- I had some others but I've already forgotten.
The first one is probably the one I'm most excited about. I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but nobody has been willing to teach me. Until now. My VanMate informed me that she loves teaching and I love learning - it's win win. So we bought our baby, Kali (Or Cali) and the learning has begun ... it's gonna take a while. :-D seriously my grin couldn't be bigger. I love playing music and my skills are limited. I taught myself to play the piano when I was like 10 and I still have yet to master the left hand and have to write the notes out, I can't just look at sheet music and know what to play. It's pitiful, I feel bad for my family that had/has to listen to my poor attempt at playing out a song. Hopefully guitar goes better. =P Most of the techs at Camfel can play an instrument and I was/am seriously jealous. I loved listening to whoever played in the lobby. Soon that will be me :)
The second goal is kinda on going since middle school. I love writing. (I think I've mentioned this before =P). And like everything else I'm not particularly good at it. Regardless I want to spend this time on the road writing. I know I'm not going to spell out a novel but just short stories or even blog post will suffice. I love crafting imagery and hopefully the more I write the better it will become.
Goal three is a little less realistic. Every summer I claim this will be the year of my tan. And every summer I fail. However, thanks to training I am slightly darker, you'll notice my hair-bow line and if you squint you can see a shorts and socks line. I was pretty excited. But I'll spend the rest of the summer in sunny California so hopefully I can get a little less pasty. However, I am tired of seeing new freckles.
Goal four is kind of a life sentence. I guess I just want to experience Him in a different way. I'm use to my small town church services and worshiping at BCM. Already God has opened my eyes to new things and I'm just really excited to go to different church services every Sunday. However I do miss my community of believers back home.
Of course my memory is seriously whack and I can't remember what else I wanted to do, but this seems like a satisfying list. If I ever remember I might add them to this list.
EDIT 9/22:
5. I'm suppose to be working on learning a British accent - I don't remember how this started but Wesley and Adam decided they were gonna learn an accent, and Wesley informed me that I too was going to learn a British accent. So far it's as crappy as ever.
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