I hate this job. I am currently working as an independent merchandiser. I’ve been around merchandising since I was like 10 or 11, I can remember working on some lame reset since on my 12th birthday. Mom has forcibly dragged me to stores to help since she’s started this mess. When I turned 18 I was officially hired on and actually got a pay check. I still didn’t like it, but I liked the money so I didn’t mind working. But now that I have my degree I hate it. Not so much the work it’s self – ok yeah the work too – but just the being gone all the time and probably being stuck with my mom 24/7. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my mom, but being in the same room for such a long period of time kinda drives me insane. I’m not sure why but I get so frustrated and grumpy. It’s awful.
For those of you who don’t know what merchandising is, I basically go into different stores and do different things. Mostly resets. Recently I’ve been in Staples helping with complete remodels, Martins messing up the cookie and cracker resets, and pet smarts with the cat and dog food (killer). So I go in a store mess up the set and then put it back how it’s suppose to go. It just depends on what I’m doing that week because I could be just auditing a store or putting up a display.
It’s not the traveling that I hate, because I love to travel. I think it’s more that I want to do something that means something – to me merchandising doesn’t matter. I want a job that I’m passionate about. I’ve been trying to be patient … some days are better then others. A lot of days I question my psych degree. I question my ability. I question my sanity. I know that God has it all planned out, that I was meant to study psychology and I will be great at whatever He has planned for me, and He will put me in the field He wants me and I just have to trust Him. I think I have a problem with trust.
Thankfully I shouldn’t be doing much merchandising for a while so I can focus on finding something I want to do, not just something that is available and pays.
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