I'm not sure what aspect makes it so great, simply put it's a serious about a modern day Nancy Drew, with more drama, danger, love, attitude, and technology. But it's so much more complex then the 'simply put' version. It's mini mystery's wrapped up in a huge murder mystery with multiple suspects and tons of clues that consistently keep you guessing (the first season more then the other two) and with clever writers who end an episode at a suspenseful climax you have to watch another episode and then another. This bundled with an amazing cast playing dynamic characters that undergo transformation throughout the series and writing that is lol hilarious and past and current cultral references, and fantastic relationships between the characters makes a fantastic series. Actually I can't describe what makes it so addicting. It just is.
p.s. If you should began to watch Veronica Mars I should warn you that it is addicting - but there are only three seasons. Also, there are only three seasons!!!!!!! It will leave you wanting - and it's currently on Neflix's instant play :-D
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